Thursday, April 10, 2014

I Know I'm in Korea Because...

I've been in cars and vans that have driven around a line of traffic via the shoulder of the road, driven over the orange plastic dividers you see along the highway, and driven the wrong way on a one way alley as a "short cut".

Only some of the restaurants deliver, but all of the McDonalds, KFC, Burger King, and Pizza Hut deliver.

I can watch a British movie dubbed in Japanese with Korean subtitltes.

The elevators will announce your floor then immediately say "going down", which actually means "get your ass out of the way the doors are closing NOW".

You can see women at the mall or on the beach in 4" heels, wearing a micro mini skirt with a turtleneck blouse in 40 degree weather.

The train attendant, taxi driver, garbage man, fast food cook, and the greeter at the Home Plus are all neat, tidy, clean, and every hair is in place; exactly like the businessmen in $400 suits and gold watches.

I've seen aat least 20 different toilet styles, sizes, and controls.  And had some serious arguments with a few of them, including my hotel toilet.  I won, eventually, and put it in it's place!

The chopsticks are flat, not round.  As evidenced by all of my shirts.  One pair of jeans.  And several restaurant floors.

More to come.....

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