Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Perfect Sense

Do these make sense to you?

You find your son asleep on the couch so you wake him up and tell him to go to bed.

Turning down the car radio to see the street signs better.

Cutting your hair to make it grow.

Swatting your kid on the butt, telling them "We don't hit people!"

Telling your kid that we don't ever tell lies, then telling him that Santa Claus is real.

Think about it... what else have we said or done that made sense at the time, but in hindsight... LOL

Friday, March 18, 2011

I Give....

Having just had a birthday, I've been thinking a lot about my life.  So what else is new, you ask?  I've decided that with age comes wisdom (I hope), and there a few things I'm simply going to give up on - I'm done worrying about them, and shooting for goals that will never be within my grasp.  Not in a "my life is so depressing" sort of way, but more of a "face the facts" attitude.  These items aren't the end of the world, just a few things I'm taking off my wish list for the future.  

If you don't agree, don't approve, or just don't want to know... don't read.  It's all ok in the grand scheme of things.

I'm giving up on....
1. Being skinny - it just ain't gonna happen, I'm not built that way.
2. Understanding geometry - when I see a square or triangle all I can think of is "Oh, wouldn't that be pretty in bright colors?"
3. A balanced check book - I believe the banks are messing with me.
4. Aging backwards - I don't feel a year older so why can't I just not be?
5. Remembering my friend's birthdays ON their birthday, not the day after!
6. Dating - until someone can waive a magic wand and make items 1 and 4 happen, I give up.  I'm totally fucked.
7. Being the "party girl" - I'm not the type that my single friends think to invite out.  I still love my friends very much, it's just the way I'm viewed.  S'okay.
8. Wearing a bikini - in public.  Or even a bathing suit, for that matter.
9. A week each in Hawaii, Samoa, and Thailand.  A week anywhere that isn't here.  Either with my sister, or my handsome lover.
10. Time - there simply isn't enough time to do all the things I want to do each and every day.  So I need to give up some, and prioritize the others.  And move on.

Just a few thoughts... still not too sure wisdom does come with age, but introspection sure does!  LOL

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Words of Wisdom - part 1

  • Never eat beans before your Tai Chi class.
  • Always remember that when you ask everyone, "How are you?" - some of them might tell you the truth.
  • The worst words a mom can ever hear are "Mom, we need to talk."
  • The funniest thing in the world... is the world.  You just have to look for it.
  • Family is important, good friends are vital, but good hot sex can cure whatever ails ya'.
  • Remember to turn down the car radio so you can see the street signs better.  Really.
  • Anyone can dance - but not everyone wants to see you dance in the nude.
  • My child, regardless of his age, will always be my child.  With my sense of humor.
  • Smile and remember that even on your worst day, it could be even worse... you could have missed reading my blog!