Thursday, July 5, 2012

Romance - then and now...

Romance. A simple word with an infinite number of definitions. What is romance? Is it an action, a feeling, or an event? Is it the same thing to everyone? Does everyone find the same things romantic?

I've given the subject of romance quite a bit of thought since entering the dating world 2 years ago. I've realized a few things during this time. I don't expect, or even want, the fairy tale version of romance. In my youth, big boquets of flowers, candy with a bow, and an expensive dinner were the epitome of romance. The knight in shining armor who sweeps me off my feet, defends me from the bad guys, tells me I'm the most stunning woman he's ever met, then carries me to his bed... that was romance. Not.

Romance is... a single flower left on my desk or on my pillow, nothing expensive, even a daisy or home grown rose. Having the car door opened when we're going out. An unexpected hug from behind, with a kiss on the neck and a few whispered words. A sweet text on my phone for no reason. A surprise dinner out to our favorite local Chinese dive or neighborhood BBQ. A nice little card for absolutely no reason. A Hershey kiss or my favorite hard candy - "just cuz".

And the ultimate romance is making love in a softly lit room (candles optional), sweet, and slow, and long. Now THAT, my friends, is romance.

Do I still want the knight in shining armor? No, my knight can be wearing jeans and a hickory shirt for all I care, but he will keep me safe from bad guys. Will he take me to expensive restaurants? I hope not, I'd be too nervous to enjoy it. Will he bring me a dozen roses and a box of chocolates. No, the cats would knock over the flowers and I don't need the candy. Will he be devastatingly handsome? He will be to me, and I'll be beautiful to him. Will we make long, slow love? Damn straight!