Saturday, May 16, 2009

Don't sweat the little things - savor them!

Looking at the big picture is always important, in any situation. But sometimes you have to look at the little things to know when something is truly worthwhile.

So what are the little things? Today it’s planting tomatoes, peppers, and flowers. Yesterday it was moving the car seat forward one notch and not having the steering wheel rub my belly. Last week it was tying my shoes – by myself, and without pain. Maybe tomorrow it will be buying a new blouse in a smaller size.

These may seems inconsequential to most, but to someone who gave up hope of ever leading a normal life again, the little things make life worth living. What do you take for granted every day? Playing on the floor with your kids, walking down a store aisle, sitting in a park swing, shopping at the mall.

These are all things I’m looking forward to, if not tomorrow, then very soon. And I don’t ever want to take anything for granted. Do you?